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What All Drivers Should Know About Drowsy Driving Truck Accidents

On Behalf of | Oct 30, 2017 | Library, Traffic Accidents

Did you know that drowsy driving is responsible for 72,000 collisions,
44,000 injuries, and 800 deaths each year? Sadly, the numbers don’t
lie. According to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and 2013 statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
drowsy driving is a major problem. While anyone who hasn’t had enough
sleep has the potential to cause a drowsy driving crash, commercial truck
drivers are some of the most likely people to drive sleepy.

Drowsy Truck Drivers Are Far Too Common

The truth of the matter is that drowsy driving is a huge problem for truck
drivers. Whether truckers choose to push on while they are sleepy or their
trucking companies make them clock a certain number of hours or miles
before they can get some rest, driving a big rig while drowsy can have
deadly consequences. This is why the federal government implemented an
hours-of-service law to reduce truck driver fatigue.

The hours-of-service law, enforced by the U.S. Department of Transportation,
is a safety rule designed to limit the amount of time truck drivers are
at the wheel—ensuring truckers get the proper sleep to reduce the
amount of drowsy driving
truck accidents. Although this federal law is in place, many truck drivers and trucking
companies fail to comply with the hours-of-service rule. Thus, there are
many tired truck drivers on our roads.

Dangers of Truck Driver Fatigue

Truck drivers who are frequently blinking, yawning, or nodding off for
brief moments behind the wheel have an increased chance of crashing. This
is because driving while sleepy impairs a driver’s judgment, reaction
time, and vision. When a truck driver has blurred vision, dulled reactions,
and makes poor decisions at the wheel due to tiredness, the results can
be catastrophic or even deadly.

How Do Truck Drivers Get So Tired?

Drivers sometimes suffer from dangerous levels of sleep deprivation—often
without realizing it. For example:

  • The inverted hours and lack of sleep that truck drivers experience during
    night driving contribute to obesity, which studies have linked to sleep
    apnea. This means that the little sleep that drivers do get will be not
    deep enough for proper rest.
  • Long periods of driving can cause back problems, muscle spasms, irritability,
    and eyestrain. Truckers may be tempted to ignore these symptoms in order
    to make their shipping deadlines, rather than take much-needed rest stops
    to stretch and refresh themselves.
  • Some highway routes are ill-equipped for truck traffic, offering no open
    rest stops, or even truck-sized parking spaces, so the driver can pull
    off the road. In these cases, drowsy truckers may keep driving for hours,
    intending to stop “in the next few miles.”

Identifying a Drowsy Driver

Not only are truck drivers at risk of crashing and suffering injuries,
but driver fatigue has been the cause of many serious injuries and fatalities
for drivers and passengers sharing the road with these large commercial
trucks. No one should ever drive drowsy, let alone a truck driver who
is steering an 18-wheeler that can weigh 80,000 pounds. The reality, however,
is that there are many tired truck drivers on our roads. Because of this,
it is important that all drivers are aware of the following drowsy driver signs:

  • Tailgating or driving too close to nearby vehicles
  • Running red lights and stop signs
  • Drifting into another lane without signaling
  • Swerving and going back and forth across the rumble strips

Avoiding a Drowsy Truck Driver

Unfortunately, you can’t control another driver’s behavior.
So what can you do to avoid a truck accident in Virginia?

  • If a truck is showing erratic behavior—swerving, drifting, sudden
    braking—call 911.
  • If you can read it safely, get the number posted on the back of the vehicle.
  • Always give trucks a wide berth, particularly in the late night to early
    hours of the morning.
  • Trucking companies are responsible for their drivers’ education.
    This means regulatory rules and procedures, policies, and fatigue management.
  • Newer trucks can be equipped with video recorders. When installed, drivers
    should both use and know how to operate them.

Speak With a Virginia Truck Accident Lawyer Today

If you have been injured by a negligent truck driver or simply want more
contact our Fairfax office today to speak with an experienced attorney. Call us at 703-721-4233.

While it can be difficult to determine if a truck driver in the lane next
to you is driving drowsy, we hope these tips will help you avoid large
commercial trucks that can put you or your loved ones in danger. To help
us reduce unnecessary drowsy driving truck accidents, injuries, and fatalities,
please share this article with those you know on your favorite social
media site.

