When You Have Been Injured,Your Attorney's Experience Matters

Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation in Washington D.C.

| Sep 1, 2011 | Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can happen out of nowhere. One minute you’re perfectly fine, enjoying a drink at the Argonaut, the next minute you’re on your way to the hospital.

These injuries cannot be planned for, saved up for, or predicted. As a result, not only do you have to undergo possible surgeries and years of rehabilitation and treatment, but you also need to pay for it all.

That shouldn’t be a problem if you have insurance, right? Wrong. Unfortunately, most insurance companies are highly motivated to contest brain injury claims, causing you to have to pay out-of-pocket for months or even years until your case is settled. That’s why it is extremely important to have a knowledgeable lawyer on your side to get you the treatment you’re entitled to.

D.C. insurance companies depend on the various causes of brain injuries—as well as the various degrees of injury—to attempt to deny or adjust your claim. All types of injuries that affect your brain are serious, but the level of trauma and its effects can vary drastically. They can range from trivial to life-changing, such as:

  • Bumps on the head, causing headache and disorientation
  • Mild concussion, marked by slight swelling and headache
  • Severe concussion, with symptoms of swelling, loss of consciousness, and brain bruising
  • Brain hemorrhage, where symptoms include swelling, bleeding, loss of consciousness,
  • Brain damage, which includes brain bruising and bleeding, loss of motor functions, memory and cognitive skills

Since injury can vary so much, insurance companies will do their best to discredit the severity of your injury. They will also question what treatments are truly necessary, as well as the cost for each treatment. This is where the process becomes truly stressful, since new treatments and rehabilitation techniques are being used every day, all with a varying degree of cost.

Depending on the severity of your injury, your medical team may recommend some combination of these treatments:

  • Ice packs
  • Medication
  • MRIs and other diagnostic tests
  • Surgery
  • Ongoing physical therapies, ranging from motor function stimulation to repetitive motion exercises
  • Ongoing psychological therapies, ranging from medication to testing and re-education

Although your physician may prescribe or suggest a particular treatment, if your insurance company feels that you could adjust with a cheaper course of action, it may deny your claim. However, with proper representation, you may not only get your claim approved, but receive more than they otherwise would have given.

The Washington D.C. brain injury lawyers at Shevlin Smith are extremely knowledgeable in brain injury cases and know how D.C. insurance companies work. You owe it to yourself to call us for a free consultation. Don’t let your insurance company make you a victim again. Call us today at 703-634-7350.

