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Can The Family Of A Coma Victim In DC File A Personal Injury Case In Virginia?

| May 18, 2012 | Catastrophic Injuries

It is understandable that you would want to get justice for a loved one who is in a coma. Many people feel powerless to help a family member who has been incapacitated by a car accident injury in DC, and one of the best things these people can do is file a case on the injured person’s behalf.

Coma Victims and Statue of Limitations in Virginia

In Virginia, there is a two-year statute of limitations on filing a personal injury case. Coma victims fall under a special exception: they may file suit up to two years after awaking from a comatose state. However, some accident victims may be so severely injured that they remain in a coma for months or even years, piling up medical costs that they cannot possibly be responsible for on their own.

When this happens, the family of a coma victim must seriously consider filing a suit on the victim’s behalf. Surviving family members are not only experiencing great personal difficulty, they will also be under the strain of hospital bills and the loss of the victim’s income to the household.

It is important that families take action as soon as possible. There is no way to tell how long a comatose state will last, and the statute of limitations may run out if the victim never regains consciousness. If the victim does recover, he may still need lifelong physical and occupational therapy, or recover only on a very basic functional level – often requiring permanent hospital care.

Contact a Fairfax Coma Injury Attorney

If someone you love experienced a serious personal injury in Virginia, our Fairfax coma injury attorneys can help you seek the compensation you deserve. Call Shevlin Smith today at 703-634-7350 for your free consultation.

