When You Have Been Injured,Your Attorney's Experience Matters

How Much Can I Recover In My Virginia Medical Malpractice Case?

On Behalf of | Oct 28, 2015 | Medical Malpractice

After you have been injured due a doctor’s negligence in Virginia, you are probably at least comforted by the fact that you will not have to pay for your medical bills. The doctor caused your suffering, so the hospital should take responsibility for any necessary care, right? Unfortunately, this is not always the case. To discourage the number of medical malpractice lawsuits in Virginia, the state has placed a limit on how much a victim can recover for bodily injury or wrongful death due to negligence. How much can victims of hospital negligence in Virginia be awarded? 

  • If the victim was injured between July 2008 and June 2012, he may receive a maximum of $2 million.
  • The maximum amount will increase by $50,000 per year starting in 2012.
  • The maximum amount of punitive damages is capped at $350,000.

At first glance, this may seem like more than enough to cover your medical costs. However, many victims don’t realize how quickly the bills for their medical care can add up—and how much their injuries may affect them in the future. A few costs that can quickly deplete your hard-earned settlement: 

  • Medical tests (x-rays, scans, blood testing)
  • Corrective surgeries
  • Follow-up medical appointments
  • Inpatient hospital stays
  • Rehabilitation and therapy
  • Past due bills
  • Household costs relating to your injury

As experienced Fairfax medical malpractice attorneys, we know it is extremely unfair to expect victims to fend for themselves after a serious injury. Our clients are often facing serious debt as a result of lost income and an inability to return to work—all because of someone else’s mistake.The attorneys at Shevlin Smith have built their practice on helping people just like you to get justice in their DC medical malpractice cases. Call us today at 703-634-7350 to get started on your free consultation. We’ll also send you a FREE copy of our book, Do I Have A Case? A Patient’s Guide to Virginia Medical Negligence Law.

