When You Have Been Injured,Your Attorney's Experience Matters

Coping With The Ramifications Of Amputee-Related Depression In D.C.

| Aug 18, 2016 | Catastrophic Injuries

When you’re forced to lose a limb —either from a personal accident
or from a health-related issue such as diabetes—it doesn’t
just affect your physical body, it affects your mentality. If you are
struggling with anxiety or depression since your amputation, you’re
not alone. There are hundreds of victims in Washington D.C. who continue
to suffer on a daily basis as a result of amputation-related depression.

Losing a limb is much like losing a loved one. Your brain needs to mourn
and cope with the feelings of loss, much as you mourn a deceased friend
or relative. This process affects everyone differently and requires several
stages of grief processing in order to gradually accept the loss. These
steps include the following and may take longer for some individuals than
others to fully process:

  • Denial that the limb needs or needed to be removed as a result of the injury
  • Anger at the person or situation that caused the injury
  • Bargaining—with the doctors or with the universe—for a different outcome
  • Depression that your life may never be the same or your situation appears
    to be hopeless
  • Acceptance that although you can’t change the outcome, you can still
    prepare for the future

Reaching the final stage of acceptance is an enormous accomplishment and
should be greatly celebrated. However, this doesn’t necessarily
mean your depression will end. Amputations are a life-long struggle and
require permanent, constant care and emotional upkeep. This prospect can
cause recurrent feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, and depression over
what the future may hold. These feelings aren’t necessarily abnormal;
even people who don’t suffer from a personal injury amputation have
anxiety about the future. Nonetheless, if you feel that your depression
worsens or that it may result in further mental or physical harm, you
should seek psychological guidance for treatment options as soon as possible.

Personal injury amputations require an amazing sense of mental control
in order to cope with not only the emotional effects, but also the initial
situation itself. Hundreds of questions run through your mind while you’re
trying to heal:

  • Who is to blame?
  • Why is this happening to me?
  • How will I provide for myself?
  • Who will pay the medical bills?

Some encouraging news, however, is you don’t have to go through this
alone. The Washington D.C. personal injury lawyers at Shevlin Smith will
be happy to provide advice, information, and a free consultation to help
you explore your legal options for care and peace of mind. Please contact us at
703-634-7350 to speak with a lawyer who knows exactly how you feel.

