When You Have Been Injured,Your Attorney's Experience Matters


On Behalf of | Jan 26, 2017 | Library, Spinal Cord Injuries

One of the first things people do after a car accident is to check their fingers, arms and legs for proper movement response. This might seem like common sense, but what you may not know is that checking yourself for signs of paralysis is actually checking for a spinal cord injury.

Spinal cord injuries are the result of compression or bruising of the back, head and neck. They are most commonly caused by car accidents, but they can also be a result of sports injuries, falls, or personal violence. As experienced Fairfax personal injury lawyers, we are aware that these injuries are especially traumatic because they often involve loss of sensation, movement, and motor control. We also know that the key to survival and recovery is immediate treatment following the accident.

Common Signs of a Spinal Cord Injury

If you have recently experienced an accident and are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you should be examined by a medical professional for spinal cord injury immediately:

  • Intense pain or pressure in your head, neck or back
  • Numbness in the fingers, toes and limbs
  • Loss of coordination or balance
  • Spasms or erratic reflexes
  • Inability to feel temperature changes
  • Pain or stinging sensations in the extremities
  • Inability to feel touch or pressure on the skin
  • A twisted neck or oddly-positioned head

It is vital that a patient experiencing these symptoms be given immediate and thorough medical attention. If your doctor neglected to schedule a CT scan, x-ray or MRI following your Virginia car accident, he could be at fault for negligence.

Spinal Cord Injuries Can Lead To Worse Physical Conditions

If a spinal cord injury goes untreated, it can to lead to worsened conditions, such as:

  • Loss of bladder control
  • Coughing, wheezing, or other breathing difficulties
  • Paralysis or weakness of the limbs
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Partial or total loss of motor control

An untreated spinal cord injury can lead to paralysis—one of the most frightening situations a person can experience. If you have protracted symptoms or spinal cord injury, including loss of motor function, the right Virginia medical malpractice attorney may be able help you get compensation for your doctor’s negligence.

Contact a Local Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer Today

Since there is no cure for spinal cord injury, the only way to avoid total paralysis is through immediate and effective treatment. If you believe your doctor was not thorough in his examination, or did not perform crucial testing in a timely manner, contact Shevlin Smith today to discuss your options with an experienced Fairfax personal injury lawyer.

