When You Have Been Injured,Your Attorney's Experience Matters

Five Tips For Making A Good Financial Recovery Following A Car Accident Injury

On Behalf of | Feb 19, 2017 | Library, Traffic Accidents

After being injured in a car accident, it is normal to assume that the insurance company will take pity on you and offer you the financial compensation you need and deserve; however, this is rarely the case. The truth of the matter is that insurance companies take advantage of many people—even if it’s at a car accident victim’s expense.

Insurance companies train their insurance adjusters to save every dollar they can, which is why they attempt to settle claims quickly—even before the full extent of injuries are known. Additionally, insurance adjusters are great at making people think that the financial figure they are offering them is the highest amount of compensation they can get.

Knowing How to Get the Right Financial Compensation

Because we want to help you make the best financial recovery following a car accident, we want to share our insider’s knowledge and the following useful tips:

  • Never take the insurance company’s first settlement offer.
  • Know that a settlement is always negotiable.
  • Save all your medical receipts and any other expenses to prove the worth of your case.
  • Know that you may be entitled to more than property damages and reimbursement for medical expenses (e.g., lost income, emotional trauma, in-home care, etc.).
  • Be aware of your rights to speak with a personal injury attorney before providing a recorded statement, signing any documents, or accepting a settlement offer.

Many insurance adjusters will tell you that you shouldn’t contact a lawyer and that an attorney won’t be able to get you any more money than what they are offering; however, in our experience, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Sometimes it takes an attorney’s involvement for an insurance adjuster to be willing to negotiate and provide a proper settlement.

We’ve been involved in cases in which insurance adjusters were low balling claimants. After our involvement, the adjusters quickly realized they couldn’t get away with their low settlement offers because they knew we would take them to court if they didn’t come to the table with a fair offer. In some cases, it takes an attorney’s involvement for the insurance adjuster to take a claimant seriously.

Please share this article on your favorite social media site so that any of your friends and family members who have been injured in a collision will know how to go about getting the best financial compensation possible. You never know who you can help with just a click of a button.

