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Steps Parents Should Take After A Child Is Diagnosed With Cerebral Palsy

On Behalf of | Jul 18, 2017 | Medical Malpractice

If you have a child who was just diagnosed with cerebral palsy, then you are most likely trying to wrap your head around your new reality. Often, parents who have just learned of their child’s diagnosis typically want to find out what steps they should take next.

Taking the First Step

Cerebral palsy is often caused when medical malpractice cuts off oxygen to an infant’s brain during childbirth. However, sometimes a specific cause is not known and a child may have what is known as congenital cerebral palsy. Depending on the child’s specific situation may determine the first step you should take. For instance, if you believe medical negligence was to blame for your child’s birth injury, then the first step you should definitely take is to contact an attorney experienced in medical malpractice.

Attorneys with such experience know how to investigate your case and stand up to the doctor or hospital involved. Because the lifetime average cost for an individual with cerebral palsy is approximately $1 million, it is critical to seek legal help in making sure you can obtain the maximum financial recovery possible so that you can get your child the best care possible.

Some Additional Steps

The next step is to seek treatment. Although there is no known cure for cerebral palsy, treatments for a child with this medical condition can help. Some of the next steps you will want to take may include:

  • Getting the right pediatrician. Some pediatricians don’t have experience with cerebral palsy but others may even specialize in that area and will know how to put together a treatment plan that is best for your son or daughter.
  • Seeing a physical therapist. Regular physical therapy sessions are generally recommended for children with cerebral palsy, as moving and stretching can help a child’s gross motor development and overall ability to move better.
  • Getting specialists involved. Your child may need glasses or braces and splints. In order to give your child the best medical care, you may need to research specialists from pediatric orthopedists to pediatric ophthalmologists. Even a speech pathologist or occupational therapist may be needed. Oftentimes, a pediatrician who cares for children with cerebral palsy will have recommendations for other specialists.

Keep in mind that when it comes to cerebral palsy treatment, every child is different and may have a different degree of disability. Medical professionals experienced in this area will be able to develop a plan that will treat your child’s impairments. Remember that if you believe your child suffered cerebral palsy as a result of a birth trauma, the first step you should take is to call our office for a free, no-obligation consultation.

