When You Have Been Injured,Your Attorney's Experience Matters

What to Do After an Uber or Lyft Car Crash

On Behalf of | Nov 26, 2018 | Personal Injury

Ridesharing services have grown increasingly popular in recent years. Uber and Lyft are convenient alternatives to standard taxi services. Taking a rideshare car to your destination with these services is generally cheaper than a taxi because the drivers are using their own personal vehicles.

However, just like with any other vehicle, an Uber or Lyft vehicle can get into an accident. If you happen to be in the car when a crash occurs, it can be devastating and a scary experience. If you suffer injuries, you will question what to do next.

What to Do After a Rideshare Accident

The safety of everyone involved in the crash is the main priority. Check to ensure that you are okay and then see if anyone else is injured. Call 911 immediately, even if no one seems injured, so that police and an ambulance come to the scene. Be sure to move yourself to a safe position so that traffic does not pose a safety risk to you or others.

A police investigation of the crash is often helpful.  The police will take statements from those involved in the crash and those who witnessed the crash.  The statements usually prove important should a personal injury claim be made at a later date.

If you are injured, seek medical attention promptly.  Timely medical attention will give you the best opportunity to recover fully from your injuries.  Medical treatment will also document the scope and severity of your injuries should your claim for injuries be questioned by an insurance company.

Get All Pertinent Information

Ask the driver for relevant information. You should request the name of the at-fault-driver, the name of the ride-share driver, each driver’s address and telephone number, the vehicle license plate number, the make and model of their vehicle, and the driver’s insurance company name. You will also want to get the names and contact information of any witnesses to the accident.  The Police Crash Report will often contain this information, but it can never hurt to ask for the same information.

Take Pictures and Notes

If you are physically able to do so, take pictures of the scene of the accident with your smartphone’s camera. Focus on the vehicles involved, skid marks on the road and any property damage. In addition, you will want to make note of the traffic conditions, the weather, and if any traffic lights, stop signs or other warning signs were ignored. You can present all of this information to a personal injury attorney to help build your case.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

Getting compensation after an accident in an Uber or Lyft vehicle can be complicated. In general, most ridesharing services attempt to hire their drivers as independent contractors.  This attempt is made in an effort for the ridesharing company to try to minimize its liability for any negligence on the part of the Uber/Lyft driver.  Hiring an attorney who is experienced with ridesharing cases can dramatically improve your chances for a full monetary recovery for your injuries and losses.  The experienced attorneys at Shevlin Smith can help you seek the fair and full compensation you deserve. 

If you were injured while taking a rideshare vehicle, contact our firm at 703-634-7350 today to discuss your case.


