When You Have Been Injured,Your Attorney's Experience Matters

What are Catastrophic Injuries?

On Behalf of | May 10, 2021 | Catastrophic Injuries

In any matter involving negligence, you can suffer severe and serious injuries. In the legal world, the term to reference serious injuries is catastrophic. Filing a claim following someone else’s negligence gives you the chance to obtain compensation to cover medical care costs, lost income, and other expenses associated with the injury.

It helps to recognize your rights after suffering one of these life-changing injuries. Below, we will detail some of the more severe injuries you can sustain, their impact on your life, and what kind of compensation you may recover.

In personal injury law, the following are considered catastrophic injuries:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spine and spinal cord injuries
  • Serious burn injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Amputations

Call our firm today at 703-634-7350 and learn more about your rights in complex legal matters. We are here to help you.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, range from mild to severe and can cause some lifelong effects that make it difficult to complete even the simplest tasks. These types of injuries can occur because of car accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice, and several other errors. Even a mild TBI, such as a concussion, can cause severe short-term and long-term problems.

With a traumatic brain injury, you may experience cognitive issues, such as memory loss and difficulty remembering or learning information. You can also experience sensory problems, such as ringing in your ear and blurred vision. You can experience motor impairment such as trouble with balance and coordination.

Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries

Spine injuries and damage to your spinal cord can cause some of the worst damages possible. A serious spinal cord injury can result in paralysis, with the severity dependent on the location of the injury on your spine. Another resulting injury can be loss of bowel or bladder function.

Many spinal cord injuries may lead to you needing specialized medical equipment, ongoing medical care, and more. These types of injuries do not always have treatment options, and it is vital to protect your rights to pursue compensation for the life-altering damages you may encounter.

Serious Burn Injuries

Burn injuries can lead to both physical and emotional damages. Physically, some of the more severe burn injuries can cause nerve damage, numbness in the affected area, permanent skin damage, and other internal damages. Emotionally, many burn injury victims experience trauma and self-esteem issues because of the scar stemming from the burn.

Burn injuries receive classification by degree. The less severe burns are first-degree, while the most severe is fourth-degree. Unfortunately, if you suffer from a fourth-degree burn, you can experience nerve, muscle, and tissue damage.

Broken Bones

While broken bones occur often, and not everyone would consider them to be catastrophic or serious, they can have a significant impact, especially if the break does not heal correctly. Broken bones can cause long-term pain, and some fractures may cause damage to other parts of your body, including tendons, muscles, and joints.

In many cases, you will require surgery to repair a broken bone. Surgery can be costly, as is the time you may miss work while recovering. These are two of the biggest factors in your compensation, as well as any emotional trauma that may arise when the cause of the broken bone is something like a severe car accident.


Amputations are sometimes necessary for various medical situations — such as preventing the spread of infection. However, some amputations can occur because of a negligent act. For instance, a car accident can cause your vehicle’s frame to collapse into you. The sharp metal can cut into your body, potentially severing a body part and causing significant damage that requires amputation.

Medical malpractice and other actions when someone is negligent can also cause amputation or severed limb. Over time, amputations can cost a significant amount of money for medical bills, specialized medical equipment, lost income, and more.

Catastrophic injuries often impact every facet of your life. Daily tasks can become more difficult to accomplish. You may be unable to work or have to change your job. You can require lifetime care and medical procedures. In these situations, it is vital to take action against whoever was responsible for causing your harm so you can pursue the maximum compensation available to you.

When it comes to protecting your rights in complex legal matters, you need to have someone on your side to help you identify negligence and hold someone accountable when they cause you harm. Pursuing compensation allows you to cover the costs of medical care, lost wages, lifetime needs, and other damages stemming from the incident that causes your serious injury.

Our Fairfax personal injury lawyers at Shevlin Smith have spent years advocating on behalf of the injured. When you find yourself facing trained negotiators, you need to have experienced professionals on your side who know how to protect you from unethical tactics when you are already in a vulnerable position.

We have a history of success, and we remain committed to those who trust in us to get the results they need. Let us be your advocates and know that we will go above and beyond when your rights and compensation depend on us most.

We offer free consultations so you can get answers to your questions without a financial obligation. Call our firm today at 703-634-7350 and learn how we may be able to help you with your case.

