Crashes with commercial trucks can lead to life-altering injuries or a tragedy that forever changes a family. Commercial vehicle collisions can produce catastrophic injuries and can also sometimes result in people dying.
A significant portion of those crashes occur because of something a commercial driver did or failed to do in traffic. The average motorist in a passenger vehicle cannot control what a professional driver does in a semi-truck. However, they can control their own habits to reduce their chances of contributing to their crash risk. One particular safety tip can help significantly reduce the likelihood of a passenger vehicle being at fault for a collision with a semi-truck.
Big rigs need plenty of space
The one mistake with the strongest association with semi-truck collisions involves getting too close to commercial vehicles in traffic. Semi-trucks are large, awkward vehicles. They are difficult to slow down and maneuver.
Drivers can expose themselves to unnecessary risk by driving in their blind spots. A commercial driver may not notice them before causing a preventable crash when they are directly next to or behind the trailer. Passing when behind a semi-truck can be dangerous as well, as the passenger vehicle driver is in a blind spot where they cannot see around the commercial truck.
Getting too close is also a safety concern at intersections. Semi-trucks need plenty of space to complete their wide turns, and many crashes occur because drivers don’t leave enough room for an 18-wheeler to complete a turn.
Sometimes, the attempt to pass, turn in front of or merge in front of a semi-truck leads to a crash. Drivers generally want to leave plenty of space between the rear of their vehicle and the front of the semi-truck when they pass, turn or merge ahead of it. They also need to ensure they get up to the same speed as the semi-truck or a faster speed as quickly as possible.
Simply giving semi-trucks adequate space on the road can drastically reduce the likelihood of a crash or at least help protect drivers from accusations that they were to blame for the collision. If a truck driver makes mistakes that lead to a wreck, the other people involved may have a complicated claims process ahead.
Requesting compensation for injuries and lost wages is often necessary after a semi-truck collision. Being able to clearly show that a driver was not at fault can increase their chances of succeeding when they seek post-crash compensation.