When You Have Been Injured,Your Attorney's Experience Matters

Spinal cord injuries can cost people millions in lifetime losses

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2025 | Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are among the most catastrophic injuries individuals may ever experience. Spinal cord injuries tend to cause permanent functional limitations. Complete injuries result in paralysis and the loss of sensation. Incomplete injuries cause mobility challenges and other medical complications.

People who sustain spinal cord injuries in car crashes or collisions caused by semi-trucks might think that insurance can help them cover their losses. However, the reality is that insurance may fall short of the likely seven-figure financial impact of their injuries.

What makes a spinal cord injury so expensive?

Medical costs

Factors including the age of the injured person and the location of their spinal cord injury determine how much they may incur in medical expenses. While spinal cord injuries don’t respond to treatment, they do require regular interventions to protect the health of the injured party. Even incomplete spinal cord injuries produce over $100,000 in medical expenses in just the first year and tens of thousands of dollars in additional medical costs every year for the rest of the injured person’s life.

Reduced earning potential

Medical appointments and functional limitations can have a major chilling effect on a professional’s career. Even those who enjoyed competitive wages previously may find that their earning potential decreases after sustaining a spinal cord injury. In some cases, people have to change professions. Other times, they may stop working entirely. Even those who keep working often cannot develop their careers as assertively as they might have if they hadn’t injured their spines.

Accommodation expenses

People with mobility challenges from spinal cord injuries generally need accommodations. They need accessible vehicles and living spaces. It can cost tens of thousands of dollars to obtain a wheelchair-accessible van or modify an existing one. It can cost even more than that to make a home suitable for an individual with a spinal cord injury. All of those costs combined can go well beyond what insurance may cover.

Individuals may need help looking at their options for litigation after sustaining a spinal cord injury, and that’s okay. Those with catastrophic injuries often need to go to court to recoup their losses. Spinal cord injuries can cause financial devastation unless people hold those who caused their injuries accountable.

